*It is essential that your business has an innovation. If you can say that " Our business is the first..."
-First resto bar with a drink-all-you-can promo
-First restaurant that has free desserts
I. Introduction
-This must answer contain the possible reasons why this project was given to you, or what you have learned in GE302 classes and in this project.
II. Company Profile
A. Name and Description of Company
- Description must include the location.e.g Quezon Ave, beside bldg A,
B. Target Market
C. Company Mission
- see GE book for examples.
D. Company Objectives
-Must be verifiable. See GE book for examples.
E. Organizational Hierarchy
-You must first make an Organizational chart. Organization must include all employees, including maintenance.
-You must describe your org. chart, why did you choose that kind of org heirarchy.
-Kinds or hierarchy: Narrow-span, and wide-span...see GE book for meaning, advantages and disadvantages of each kind.
F. Inputs
- I did mine in bullet-form
-e.g a. Poultry from Aling nena's poultry
b. Oil, spices and vegetables from PureGold Supermarket
c. Plates, utensils, tables and chairs from Major's Department store
- You must enumerate all major inputs or raw materials with the adjacent suppliers.
-Factors in choosing suppliers, It must be near your location, you can get best bargains from there, they supply the best kind of the material,or they are the only company that supplies such material.
G. Capitall Allocation
-You only have 5 Million as initial capital, but you can loan.
-Loaning Rules
a. You can only loan up to 2.5 million
b. If you are going to loan; include where, or what bank, and on what conditions.
- Include the total cost on buying the lot, and construction or renovation of the place.
- Include payments for business permits
A. (Department 1)
- This must reflect all departments you placed in your org chart.
-e.g, finance department, Human Resource department, operations department, maintenance department, management department, ...
i. Department Objectives
- Must be verifiable.
-be certain that the objectives are only for the department.
ii. Activities/Function
iii. Positions and Job Description
iv. Programs
v. Policies
vi. Rules
vii. Procedures
-include all procedures
e.g for a human resource department
a.) Hiring procedures
1. step 1
2. step 2
b.) Discharging Procedures
1. step 1
2. Step 2
IV. Competitor/s Study
- the competitors you will study, must be of same area of interest and of geographical. If your business is food business and you are located in Quezon city, study firms that is similar to your business and is also situated in Quezon city.
-Try not to be bias against the competitors
A. Company Background
B. Product/s Offered
C. Target Market
D. Current Market Status
- see book for steps
- must be in APA format